APD/Fire Safety

Pakaian Pemadam Nomex IIIA Standard Eropa CE EN469
- 1). The outer fabric of the product adopts IBNA’s new type I with a mass per unit area of 205±10.25) g/m2; Nomex IIIA fiber produced by DuPont (including: 93% of Nomex, 5% of Kevlar, 2%) Conductive fiber) as raw material,
- Flame-retardant properties: Longitudinal burn time 0s, loss length 31mm,
- Latitude continuous burning time 0s, loss length 32mm;
- Breaking strength: warp 1173N, weft 1003N;
- Tear strength: radial 277.5N, latitude 240.8N;
- Humidity resistance: 3 levels;
- Thermal stability: change rate 1.0%
- Color fastness: washable stain 4-5; water-resistant friction 4-5
- (2). The waterproof breathable layer adopts DYZ14-1 type aramid non-woven fabric + PTFE film, and the mass per unit area is (108±5.4) g/m2;
- Hydrostatic pressure >50kPa;
- Water vapor transmission rate: 6099 (g/(m2..24h));
- Oil Repellent Performance Level 4, Thermal Stability: Change Rate 2.0%.
- (3). Insulation layer is IBNA T-70, mass per unit area (75±3.75) g/m2);

Kapak Damkar / Fire Axe 90cm Fiberglass Handle
- Tipe: Kepala Ganda
- Bahan: Jatuhkan baja karbon tinggi yang ditempa. Diperlakukan panas.
- Permukaan kepala:Dicat warna merah, bilah dipoles
- Gagang: Gagang kayu/gagang Fiberglass.
- Panjang: 90cm

Lemari Safety Cabinet / Box APD
- 1. Size: T 180 x P 125 x L 40 cm
- 2. Material : Mild Steel Plate (Plat besi) tebal 1,2mm
- 3. Finishing warna : coating powder cat merah
- 4. Dilengkapi 2 buah Pintu Kaca, 2 buah kunci, 2 buah handle, 4 buah roda double ball bearing Size: diameter 4 inch disertai fungsi rem yang di las ke rangka besi bawah
- 5. Terdapat Tiang gantungan untuk baju pemadam, rompi safety, dll
- 6. Terdapat 3 buah sekat
- 7. Tedapat 1 buah Palu pemecah kaca dengan rantai di sisi samping
- 8. Bonus 3 buah gantungan baju tebal
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